Mark Richards, renowned British sculptor, teaches a portrait sculpture course in Peralta this fall


Mark Richards teaches a course on Portrait Sculpture in Peralta, Italy, this fall. The course will cover the essentials of portrait sculpture – how to look at a head, how to set a clay head on an armature, how to observe and model the structure of a head and work detail into the overall form.  And all of this takes place in the relaxed and unique surroundings of Peralta, a charming little village in the foothills of the Apuan Alps in Tuscany. The course takes place over the week of October 4th through the 13th.

You can make reservations and learn more about the course – and about Peralta – on this website linked here.

Mark Richards was awarded the Mercer Award in 2012, to study at Pietrasanta’s Studio Sem. The award is designed to provide established sculptors, working in materials other than stone, the opportunity to investigate the expressive possibilities of marble.

Visit the artist’s website, linked here.

And you can read more about his experiences in Pietrasanta’s sculpture community on his blog, which we link here.

Mark Richards
Portrait Sculpture Course
Peralta, Italy
From the 4th to the 13th of October,2013
For more information, and to book a space:

Previously on Art is Life:

Corsi di Scultura: marble sculpture courses for all levels in and around Pietrasanta

Corsi di Scultura: Sculpture Courses in Pietrasanta for artists & sculptors of all levels and for all budgets

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