“Greetings from Carrara” Vintage postcards chronicle the City of Marble’s fabled Yesteryears


Once upon a time … in Carrara.
(A i èr ‘na volta … Carara)

Carrara is synonymous with marble. Since ancient times people have quarried the hills surrounding the city, and the city grew prosperous over the centuries. We link to an interesting website by Antonio Pisanello who showcases a collection of vintage photographs of the City of Marble.

Carrara is located in northern Tuscany – on the coast, west of Florence.

There are interesting theories on the root of the name Carrara: one Saint Girolamo read Car (wagon) and Iara (moon) – meaning, maybe “City of the Moon, on Wheels” – some believe that it derives from the ancient Ligurian word Kar (stone) or the celtic Kair (also stone) so then Kar + Aria might mean “place of stones…” and some think the name derives from the Latin Carrariae a word meaning simply quarry.

Visit Antonio Pisanelli’s informative website and see more vintage photos of Carrara on the page linked here.





Visit Carrara’s official website (in Italian) for more info, linked here.

And you can read more about the history of Carrara on the Wikipedia article, linked here.

Previously on Art is Life:

You can find some of our previous posts on Carrara on the webpage linked here.

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