“Marmo in Guerra” a book of photographs and poetry about the devastating effects of war


“Marmo in Guerra” (marble at war) is a book by photographer Paolo Maggiani, shot on the Gothic Line, the last major Nazi line of defence in the final stages of WW II, along the summits of the northern part of the Appenine Mountains. The book contains poetry, based on the photos, by Roberto Maggiani.

Cannon fire, bombings, machine gun fire, left their mark on the churches, monuments, and also on fountains in the area. These are wounds still visible on the marble surfaces and bear witness to the savagery of WW II … and to the struggles of today.

The book was presented this Summer at Marble Weeks 2014, in Carrara and also was featured at various public showings.

Visit Roberto Maggiani’s website, for more information, linked here.


The book is published by Edizioni La Grafica Pisana, and can be ordered on Amazon, linked here.

#art, #marmoinguerra, #marmo, #marble


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