The Da Vinci Museum exhibits “The Other Mona Lisas”


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the stealing of the Louvre Mona Lisa, the Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci hosts an art exhibit of the “other Mona Lisas” – most famous among them the so-called “Naked Mona Lisa” (aka Monna Vanna) attributed to one of Leonardo’s pupils, Salai, and Marcel Duchamp’s improved Mona Lisa; the one he exhibited in 1911 with a mustache and called “LHOOQ.”

The exhibition will be preceded by conferences and talks by various Leonardistas.

There will be a projection of all of the Mona Lisa versions in the museum’s Mundaneum Joconde archive – which numbers in the hundreds.


The Other Mona Lisas
Museo Ideale Da Vinci
Saturday the 4th of May, and Sunday the 5th of May, 2013

For more information visit the museum’s website, linked here, or write to

For more information – on the theft and on reinterpretations of the Mona Lisa, read the Wikipedia article:
Mona Lisa replicas and reinterpretations
which we link here.

Previously on Art is Life:

This just in: Isleworth Mona Lisa confirmed, by new tests, as a true Leonardo! … – er, wait, THIS just in: Isleworth Mona Lisa scientific findings debunked as “nonsense;” painting back to dubitable status

Renaissance masterpiece or fantastic forgery? Foundation “unveils” second Mona Lisa, amid controversy

“Salvator Mundi” Leonardo’s haunting ‘lost’ Christ won’t mesmerize at the Dallas Museum

“La Bella Principessa” Leonardo’s ‘lost’ portrait continues to dazzle and stir controversy

The Canons of Beauty in the history of art – the Golden Mean

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